The Fourth Email We Sent Today, June 25, 2019


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Onion in salted water

We present here for your continued amusement, delectation, and possible degustation a selection of recipes for antique but entirely possible sandwiches, found in The Up-To-Date Sandwich Book: 400 Ways to Make a Sandwich, published in 1909 and now in the public domain for all to enjoy. We have commenced attempts to reproduce these sandwiches over on the HMM DAILY PREMIUM NEWSLETTER, and you are of course invited to subscribe! Enjoy, and if you have made any of these sandwiches, please send a picture to

"Well buttered" brown bread and onion/mayonnaise mix

Slice a mild sweet onion and lay in salted ice water for a half-hour. Mix with a good mayonnaise dressing, and place slices of onion between well buttered slices of Boston brown bread cut thin. [Sandwich-testing note: it works better if the onion is chopped, rather than sliced.]

Here's one with a "slice" of onion, but c'mon

This is an incredibly delicious sandwich, you must make one, and yes it's not good for your breath

Lightly butter slices of white bread; cover half of them with thin slices of the white meat of roasted chicken; put over this a thin layer of dill pickles; cover with another slice of buttered bread, trim off the crusts, cut in triangles, and serve on a lettuce leaf.

Chop cold boiled spinach and the yolks of hard-boiled eggs fine, add a dash of salt and vinegar. Spread between thin slices of buttered white bread. Garnish with a pickle.

Hmm Daily is a website in the Civil Network, offering commentary and news and other things. These emails are written by Tom Scocca, the editor of Hmm Daily, and Joe MacLeod, the creative director.

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