Hmm Weekly for March 16, 2021

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Hmm Weekly for March 16, 2021


WE INVITE YOU to listen to WEATHER REVIEWS, now a feature of The Brick House Cooperative!


IN REACTION TO recent post “A red-tailed hawk eating a squirrel.” NOTE: This post contains images and descriptions of carnivorous behavior.

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OK, but how did you know about the cheese and pickle sandwiches

Another Week, Another HMM WEEKLY

GOOD MORNING! This is the latest HMM WEEKLY, successor publication to HMM DAILY, distributed via SUBSTACK, a newsletter delivery and reading platform.

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Preserved Seafood

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WE PRESENT recipes for sandwiches from Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing Dish Recipes, Copyright 1916, by David McKay, Publisher, and now in the public domain for the delectation of all, written by Marion Harris Neil, M.C.A., former Cookery Editor, The Ladies’ Home Journal, author of How to Cook in Casserole Dishes, Candies and Bonbons and How to Make Them, Canning, Preserving and Pickling, and The Something-Different Dish.

Those in doubt at any time as to the precise degree of seasoning to use, must remember that a sandwich mixture should be tasty enough to season the bread. That is, what would be pronounced “just right” in itself, would be insipid when both bread and meat were tasted; so it is no bad plan for the novice to insert a morsel of the filling between bread and butter for trial.
—Marion Harris Neal, Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing Dish Recipes

Breast cold roast turkey or chicken
Broiled bacon or ham
Crisp white lettuce leaf
Dill pickles or sliced tomato
Mayonnaise dressing
Toasted sliced white bread

Trim crust from large square slices of bread and toast a delicate brown; then butter them. Insert a layer of bacon, one of thinly sliced dill pickle or tomato, and one of cold fowl. Cover with a lettuce leaf spread with mayonnaise, add top slice of toast, trim neatly, and cut diagonally into triangles. Garnish with parsley and serve immediately on hot plates.

These sandwiches, to be at their best, should be made and served in the shortest possible time.

In a club sandwich, which in itself is a very fair luncheon, the chicken should be thin, the bacon very crisp, the lettuce fresh, and the mayonnaise and butter plentiful.

To make a cold club sandwich use moderately thin cut bread in place of the toast, and cold sliced ham substituted for the crisp bacon. The chicken, lettuce, and dressing remain the same.

Origin of the Club Sandwich.—It will not surprise any who knows how frequently most excellent things are born of necessity to know that the club sandwich originated through accident.

A man, we are told, arrived at his home one night after the family and servants had retired, and being hungry, sought the pantry and the ice chest in search of something to eat. There were remnants of many things in the source of supplies, but no thing that seemed to be present in sufficient abundance to satisfy his appetite. The man wanted, anyway, some toast. So he toasted a couple of slices of bread. Then he looked for butter, and incidentally something to accompany the toast as a relish. Besides the butter he found mayonnaise, two or three slices of cold broiled bacon, and some pieces of cold chicken. These he put together on a slice of the toast, and found, in a tomato, a compliment for all the ingredients at hand. Then he capped his composition with the second slice of toast, ate, and was happy. The name “club” was given to it through its adoption by a club of which the originator was a member. To his friends, also members of the club, he spoke of the sandwich, and they had one made, then and there, at the club, as an experiment, and referred to it afterward as the “club sandwich.” As such, its name went out to other clubs, restaurants, and individuals, and as such it has remained. At least, this is the story as it is generally told.

If you decide to prepare and enjoy a Club Sandwich, kindly send a picture to us at

HMM WEEKLY IS written by Tom Scocca, editor, and Joe MacNovice, creative director. If you enjoy Hmm Weekly, please let a friend know about it! If you're reading this because someone forwarded it to you, we invite you to sign up for a copy of your own right now. Thanks for reading, and any time you want, email us at