INDIGNITY VOL. 3, NO. 103: Indignity Is Now on Bluesky


INDIGNITY VOL. 3, NO. 103: Indignity Is Now on Bluesky

Indignity Is Now on Bluesky

As we mentioned on Wednesday, Twitter is atrocious and borderline unusable now. In search of a not-entirely-terrible social media experience, we have just launched an Indignity account on Bluesky, the Twitter replica that so far makes its users less unhappy than Twitter does. Partly that lower level of unhappiness is because it’s still a test version, in beta, with restricted access, which is why it took us so long to get an access code for it. But if you’ve managed to get in there, now we’re in there too!


New York City, June 22, 2023

★★ The day arrived chilly and was due to stay that way. The forecast was for just enough showers that it would have been foolish not to send the middle-schooler off in waterproof shoes, but not enough showers to expect the shoes to really be necessary. The period of morning drizzle did nothing to dislodge the elaborate smears and dribble-trails of dog diarrhea by the curb. Breeze pushed leaves and litter around and then left them again. The swimming pool up at 145th Street was full of Hulk-green water behind its locked fence. Through the torpid gray afternoon it seemed as if nothing could change, but then there was blue in the sky and the sun gleamed on the wood floor.


Indignity Morning Podcast No. 94: Two different big explosion stories.

Tom Scocca • Jun 23, 2023

Listen now (4 min) | The Indignity Morning Podcast is also available via the Apple and Spotify platforms.

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WE PRESENT INSTRUCTIONS for the assembly of select sandwiches from Nine Hundred Successful Recipes, by Lulu Thompson Silvernail, Domestic Science Teacher for The Southwestern Milling Company, Inc. Published in 1923, this book is in the Public Domain and available at for the delectation of all.

1/2 cup chopped cream cheese
1 canned pimento
2 hard cooked eggs
1/3 green pepper
Dash of red pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon olive oil, salad oil or melted butter

Place the pimento with a tablespoonful of the liquor in which it has been canned in a chopping bowl, together with the eggs, cheese, and green pepper. Chop all these together until fine, then add the butter or oil, salt, and cayenne pepper and mash thoroughly. This is ready for spreading. When oil or butter is used in a mixture of this kind very little butter is needed on bread.

1 cup finely minced cold boiled pork
1 cup finely chopped Bermuda onion
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1 teaspoon salt
Lettuce leaves

Spread thin slices of bread with butter, then a thick layer of onion and pork mixture. Lay tender lettuce leaves between the two slices. Pork and onion may be run through food chopper instead of chopped or minced.

If you decide to prepare and attempt to enjoy a sandwich inspired by this offering, be sure to send a picture to


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