The recycling bin should have been forever.


The recycling bin should have been forever.

Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler with Machine Washable Bag and Built In Handles

IT WAS ONE of the few times I ever found exactly what I needed, the perfect product-solution to the problem of where we could stash our recyclable cans and bottles in the kitchen before taking them out to the big bin in the alley, and then we go and “renovate” our kitchen, and now this perfect thing, the Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler with Machine Washable Bag and Built In Handles, is too tall to fit in the space behind the cabinet door under the groovy new Farm Sink, dammit.

The groovy new Farm Sink

The Farm sink sits really low on the supporting cabinet in order to display its full and massive Farm Sink-ness, so the cabinet door is not as tall, which I realized when I was looking at our in-progess new kitchen and the the shiny-new under-sink cabinet doors.

Farm Sink serving suggestion at IKEA

I’m sad, because this recycling container is great. It kinda looks like a mini laundry bag, it has a washable lining, it comes right off the rack that hangs on the top of the cabinet door, and it has a handle, perfect. Before, we were doing the thing where we’d hang a crappy plastic grocery bag someplace and stuff a few beer cans in and they’d leak sour beer-juice even after they had been carefully rinsed out, and also, how much water should you piss away rinsing out your recyclables, where’s the Carbon Debt calculator?

The old official Recycling bin. Yo can’t see, but there’s holes in the bottom.

We also tried using one of the official Recycling bins from the city, before they went to the superior garbage-can-looking ones that now sit out in our alley. The old bins were heavy polystyrene plastic and they had holes in ‘em so the water wouldn’t pool up, but if we left one outside on the deck to toss empties in, some water would pool up inside anyway, and they were mosquito factories, and they were a pain to lug down the stairs to the alley, so we tried a staging area inside. Having a bin under the kitchen sink was perfect!

A peaceful transition of power

The replacement, a soulless plastic box, is already sitting in the basement waiting to take over. I spared the Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler with Machine Washable Bag and Built In Handles the horror of being placed inside the new recycling bin for a cheap photo-op, but seriously, I can’t recycle this thing, it’s got a cloth exterior and a plastic lining. I’m gonna try and sell it at our next yard sale. Do you want it? Cover the shipping and it’s yours.

  • Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler offers an invisible solution for all of your recyclable materials
  • 5-gallon capacity offers ample room and capacity when filling up the container
  • Built-in handles feature the utmost portability that makes it easy for you to carry and empty the bin
  • Bag's exterior is machine washable for a hassle-free cleaning experience
  • Padded over-the-door hooks allow for simple setup and reduce scratching on your cabinet door
  • Easy-access hinged lid provides convenient accessibility throughout
  • Color: Green
  • Dimensions: 12.60 x 13 x 10 inches
  • Weight: 1.4 pounds

New York City, July 18, 2023

★★★ A pocket of hot air spilled out from behind the shutters when they opened in the morning. What looked like dragonflies veered over the avenue, too small to be birds and too big to miss. On the radar map, a thin line of storms was coming up on a straight line from Trenton like a javelin. It struck the city from the side around noon, with dense, vertical rain, then shattered into storm debris. The resulting afternoon was cool and smelly, with plants and filth both asserting their presence in the soggy air. A little blue showed in the northwest even as a few new drops tentatively started falling. By 5, though, the sunshine was full and abundant.


WHEN I WIN tonight’s POWERBALL drawing for a billion dollars the first thing I am gonna do is buy an entire brick of ham. —JOE MACLEOD

The odds of winning tonight’s Powerball drawing are 1 in 292,201,338.


Indignity Morning Podcast No. 110: Access to a cheaper workforce.

Tom Scocca • Jul 19, 2023

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WE PRESENT INSTRUCTIONS for the assembly of select sandwiches from "Dame Curtsey's" Book of Recipes, by Ellye Howell Glover, Author of “Dame Curtsey’s” Book of Novel Entertainments, etc. Published in 1909, this book is in the Public Domain and available at for the delectation of all.

Novelty Sandwiches
ONE small onion, nine olives, one green pepper, one chow-chow pickle, one cupful of grated cheese, bread and butter. Chop fine all the ingredients. Then add enough mustard dressing from the chow-chow to form a paste when mixed with the other things. Spread on thin slices of buttered bread.

Salmagundi Sandwiches
CUT in thin slices brown bread, whole wheat bread, and white or rye bread; butter each slice lightly and spread with a paste made by chopping very fine some cold boiled ham. Moisten the ham with salad dressing and spread on the rounds of buttered bread; place the white bread rounds between the brown bread and whole wheat bread; press lightly together, serve on a plate garnished with greens of any kind.

If you decide to prepare and attempt to enjoy a sandwich inspired by this offering, kindly send a picture to us at


19 FOLKTALES collects a series of timeless tales of canny animals, foolish people, monsters, magic, ambition, adventure, glory, failure, inexorable death, and ripe fruits and vegetables. Written by Tom Scocca and richly illustrated by Jim Cooke, these fables stand at the crossroads of wisdom and absurdity.

HMM WEEKLY MINI-ZINE, Subject: GAME SHOW, Joe MacLeod’s account of his Total Experience of a Journey Into Television, expanded from the original published account found here at Hmm Daily. The special MINI ZINE features other viewpoints related to an appearance on, at, and inside the teevee game show Who Wants to Be A Millionaire. Your $20 plus shipping and tax helps fund The Brick House collective, a Publishing Concern featuring a globally diverse set of publishers doing their own thing, with interesting items and publications available for purchase at SHOPULA. This all goes to help the Brick House collective continue to be an independent alliance and not depend on Advertisers or a Billionaire who wants to be the president of Twitter. Thank you.

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