Indignity Vol. 2, No. 81: Hold, please.

A Note to the Readers of Indignity
GOOD MORNING! Your Indignity editorial team—editor Tom Scocca and creative director Joe MacLeod—has been through several different projects and incarnations together, through the decades. We first teamed up at City Paper in Baltimore, where in addition to our work in putting out the weekly newspaper, we collaborated on the online column Funny Paper. City Paper is dead, but Funny Paper remains officially ON HIATUS, flickering into re-existence now and again on a variety of different platforms, like Brigadoon or Avalon, if Avalon contained not the remains of King Arthur but jokes about The Family Circus.
We are writing now to tell you that we have another project in the works. It will involve more things, and more people—very exciting people to work with—and it will not, as currently planned, prevent you from continuing to receive your twice-weekly Indignity newsletter, if that remains your preferred delivery system.
Later this month, we will announce what the project is, exactly. In the meantime, Indignity is taking two weeks off, as we focus on getting ready for this next thing. For those of you who are generous enough to pay for subscriptions, we will pause our subscription billing. You will hear more from us, a lot more, very soon.

IN RESPONSE TO our look at The 10 Worst Songs in Pitchfork's 250 Best Songs of the 1990s (Vol. 2, No. 79), alert reader Eric Southard writes:
The guy on the far right who looks like he's not really a rock star is, in fact, not a rock star. He's Kelly Curtis, the group's manager.
So yes, the photo caption failed to identify Pearl Jam's manager Kelly Curtis, which, c’mon, no offense, we shoulda spotted the band’s MANAGER, yes? Also, we have alerted the National Archives. Your Nation thanks you, Eric.
We also included an incorrect link to the song "Everybody Everybody" by Black Box. Here, for the record, is the Black Box video.

End-of-Season SIGNS Closeout

More consciousness on Instagram.

WE PRESENT INSTRUCTIONS for the assembly of a select sandwich from Balanced Meals with Recipes: Food Values, Drying and Cold Pack Canning Menus, with and Without Meat, Box Luncheons, by the members of the Lake View Woman’s Club of Chicago, first published in 1917, now in the public domain for the delectation of all.
Materials for all sandwiches must be of the best, and seasoning can be a little higher than if the filling were served separately. Sandwiches can be kept a few hours by wrapping first in waxed paper, then in a damp cloth. Keep in a cool place.
One small bottle of olives chopped very fine, four tablespoons salad dressing, two tablespoons rolled cracker crumbs, mix well together. Let stand one hour, then spread between thin layers of bread. This will make twenty-five sandwiches.
—Mrs. Martin Madson
If you decide to prepare and enjoy this sandwich, kindly send a picture to us at

INDIGNITY is a general-interest publication for a discerning and self-selected audience.