FOOD FRIDAY: Slim pickings
Indignity Vol. 5, No. 15

Vegetable Options That Seem to Be Available at Least Half the Time in the Dead of Winter, Ranked
1. Chinese broccoli
2. Collard greens (sturdy)
3. Fennel
4. Green cabbage
5. Broccolette
6. Orange cauliflower
7. Red-leaf lettuce
8. Romaine (slightly beat up)
9. Collard greens (beat up)

A roundup of comments accompanying tips from the generous supporters of Indignity.
We are grateful to receive the extra support our readers and podcast listeners provide through our tip button, and we encourage anyone tipping to leave a comment. Money talks, but words talk even more, delivered on top of the money. And it's an honor to hear from you!
Disclosure: Mr Wrong can't help that they have a cheerful voice, if that's what you meant
“It was fascinating to hear your voice in the podcast a while back because I just expected it to be the voice of Mr. Wrong and it very much wasn't. Ha! Great column as always.”
“For helpful strategies for avoiding the sadness and anger and helplessness."
"Ha ha, tipping on this one because I'm IN it, incredible quality here.”
“This tip is for 50 fucking egg sandwiches.”
—Thomas Tt, (multiple tips).
“I can't thank you both enough for the sanity and humanity that you provide daily. I'm not sure what my Fridays would be without some top-notch General Interest Columning. Thank you Tom for reading the NYT so that I don't have to.”
—Patrick D.
Disclosure: This was a month ago
“Dang, you're doing a lot of writing lately! Thank you”
—Andrew W.
Disclosure: Tip was $13. Triskaidekafilia!
“Happy Friday the Thirteenth”
—Ellen L.
At least half of Indignity does this same thing every day
“Oh my gosh, I love this podcast!!!😍 I truly love everything about Indignity, but I look forward to listening to the Indignity Morning Podcast every day so much! Most of the time, I'm sitting here talking out loud agreeing with everything Tom Scocca says!”
—Roxanne C.
Disclosure: Same amount for both tips
“A six of Tsingtao for the editor.”
—Dave B.
“A case of Natty Boh for Mr Wrong.”
—Dave B, again!
You're welcome
“Thanks for everything you do.”
—Mark A.
You are welcome, times three
“Thanks for your writing, insight, and sense of community!”
—Caroline L.
We're trying
“Funny yet sane. Please keep it up.”
—Brett K.
We had the tip suggestion at $2 but really it's just a suggestion.
“Always start the tips at $5! Even if they're just buying you one bar of soap, it's gonna cost more than two bucks, and this column is a serious public health announcement!! For real though! Everybody, all the time, needs to wash their fucking hands!😼”
—Roxanne C.
Go wash your hands
“For service journalism at its best (COLD AND FLU SEASON 2025)”
“Until the annual payment gets resubmitted, buy some soap with this?”
—Michael W.
We will leave you with this
“I am grinding right now”
—Thomas Tt.

New York City, January 23, 2025
★★★ A complicated fabric of thin cloud was rolling rapidly by. Icicles still dangled from the cars, and stray clumps of salt lay in the road like chunks of broken styrofoam cooler. Black soot speckled the compacted snow on the cobbles along the Park's edge. On parts of the lawn the snow had receded to leave bare mud; on parts it had become entirely ice. What looked like the edge of open water on the Pool was just the boundary where the open water had been days ago when the snow fell: a milky surface pocked with the hardened footprints of ducks to the north, smooth black ice to the south. The real open water was a tiny inner circle, packed with mallards. A man and child walked out onto the more newly frozen surface and sent a stick skimming across.

HERE IS TODAY'S Indignity Morning Podcast.
Click on this box to find the Indignity Morning Podcast archive.

GOT SOMETHING YOU need to justify to yourself, or to the world at large? Other columnists are here to judge you, but The Sophist is here to tell you why you’re right. Direct your questions to The Sophist, at, and get the answers you want.

WE PRESENT INSTRUCTIONS in aid of the assembly of sandwiches selected from A Calendar of Dinners, with 615 Recipes, by Marion Harris Neil, including The Story of Crisco, published in 1915 and available at for the delectation of all.
Tomato Sandwiches
2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
1 cupful water
1/2 cupful vinegar
2 eggs well beaten
1 teaspoonful salt
1 teaspoonful mustard
1 tablespoonful flour
1 1/2 tablespoonfuls sugar
Few grains red pepper
Firm ripe tomatoes
Whipped cream
Mix sugar, flour, salt, mustard, and red pepper together, add eggs, vinegar, Crisco, and water and cook in double boiler until thick, stirring all the time. To every tablespoonful of dressing add equal quantity of whipped cream. Skin and slice tomatoes very thin, dip slices into dressing and place between thin slices of buttered bread. Cut into finger shaped pieces.
Sufficient for thirty sandwiches.
If you decide to prepare and attempt to enjoy a sandwich inspired by this offering, be sure to send a picture to